Our team of leading researchers in the field of multi-project management

The MPM Study 2024 Team

Prof. Dr. Alexander Kock

TU Darmstadt

Head of the Department of Technology and Innovation Management at the TU Darmstadt

Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Georg Gemünden

TU Berlin

Professor emeritus at the Department of Technology and Innovation Management at TU Berlin

Benjamin Hettrich

TU Darmstadt

Research associate and doctoral candidate at the Department of Technology and Innovation Management at TU Darmstadt

Doreen Gehl

TU Darmstadt

External doctoral candidate at the Department of Technology and Innovation Management at TU Darmstadt

Study coordination in Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Patrick Lehner


School of Management and Law

Leader Organizational Design & Processes

Ruth Christine Lechler


School of Management and Law

Research associate Organizational Design

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